Welcome to Issue 28: AUTONOMOUS ZONES! Our wonderful contributors have again formed a remarkably cohesive issue that sits at the intersection of radically different trajectories, histories, and purposes. Autonomous zones continue to be negotiated by us and for us– our artists and contributors here have all happened to stake a claim in the status, place, and future of autonomy through eclectic, critical, and beautiful means. We hope that Issue 28 will open a space to continue to renegotiate the notion of autonomy in its innumerable domains through participatory reading and viewing.
Beginning our Artists and the City collection at our home base, we speak with Erick Lyle about his participation in the Streetopia project, a book combating the forces taking over our very own Market Street. In a similar stroke, Erin McElroy is interviewed by collaborator Jude Widmann to elucidate their Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, an effort to document and work against the Ellis Act Evictions uprooting the thousands of multi-generational SF residents. Paolo Podrescu abstracts these colonial processes of occupation and cuts his way through the neoliberal nightmare of today, leaving only the most imperative questions.
Interviewing in this issue, Raymond Rea queries Denah Johnston, director of Canyon Cinema, who discusses distribution models new and old, DIY ethos, and diligence. Following, Jenna Grant shoots the shit with La Caca Colectiva of San Francisco, and Co-editor Molly Hankwitz interviews Anne McGuire and Karla Milosevich to outline their practice and purpose for their project, “Sinne Spegel”
Meditating on their own work and its place in practice, history, and theory, Lynne Sachs takes us on a documentary detour, while Eric Stewart melds the now ubiquitous GIF and proto-cinematic technology.
In review, we have veteran contributor David Cox’s reading of the most recent Incite publication: Issue #5, BLOCKBUSTER. Simon Strong closely considers Against Control, a recent publication by Jack Seargent on William S. Burroughs.
Finally, OtherZine is proud to host three Artist Projects! Scott Fitzpatrick simultaneously obliterates and enslaves the signifier in his most recent 16mm project, FAG. The Smyth Brothers explore Bali’s infamous tourism district– car-bombed one year after 9/11– on celluloid. Walter Alter brings us home with a collaged stream of consciousness storyboard .of his very own Wheel On A Stick.