A Masterpiece At Midnight - J.X. Williams' Peep Show by Gregory Avery Click here for printable version The flagrant wrongdoing of today looks uncouth compared to the picture J.X. Williams presents us in "Peep Show"---at least they had cool fedoras, then, while going about their thuggery. With the starkness of a Weegee photograph or a vintage Signet paperback cover for a Mickey Spillane thriller, Williams, who at one time had connections that led to both the Chicago crime syndicate and J. Edgar Hoover, provides us with a nightmare tour of a period in 1961 involving Sam Giancana, the newly-elected John F. Kennedy, the Cuban revolution which displaced the mob's lucrative hotel and casino interests, the rising traffic in illegal narcotics, and Frank Sinatra, familiar with both Giancana and Kennedy (as was Judith Exner, who earns only scant mention in Williams' film, but hers is another story). Sinatra made some bizarre career choices during the Sixties---some terrible movies with Dino and Sammy, recording "Somethin' Stupid" with daughter Nancy---and even retired from concert performing for a time. "Peep Show", shockingly, shows us why.
Williams made the film at a time when he had exiled himself---for reasons made apparent in the film---to Denmark, the country that would give us Essy Persson and "I, a Woman", and became, for a time, the perceived sex capitol of the world. Does Williams, perhaps, just like to watch? (Not that I would blame him---the events in "Peep Show" show that there was plenty to look at.) Not much is known about J.X. Williams---he's not even listed in Ephraim Katz's "Film Encyclopedia", which makes him really obscure, and a sprint through Internet search engines doesn't turn up anything, either. (This at a time when information about such people as Joel M. Reed is readily available.) "Peep Show" has a dark, sleek, seductive look, like polish obsidian---a dark magnificence that emerges in its revelation of an unspeakable construct of extortion, drugs, and the leveraging of influence in the highest (and lowest) of places---making one wonder if Williams is a filmmaker-"maudit" on the order of Edgar G. Ulmer, who spent years toiling and applying his considerable craft to B-movies like "Strange Illusion" and "Carnegie Hall". Yet, Williams seems to have chosen to make raunch like "The Velvet Trap" (whose leading lady has been, and sometimes still is, mistaken for, of all people, Revlon model-turned-actress Suzy Parker) and "Norwegian Wood" (which, I have heard, is somewhat prized among connoisseurs of early gay porn, alongside other winners like "The Stud Farm").